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01271 533 522

Electrical Services for Landlords

Private Renting

Tenants - Stay Safe
in Your Rented Home

Useful information electrical safety for Landlords and Tenants
(click the following links):

If you are a landlord in the North Devon area rest assured that M. Ferne Electrical can provide you and your tenants complete peace of mind with comprehensive services.


M. Ferne Electrical provide electrical inspections for landlords to check
the condition of your electrics. At the end of the inspection you will be supplied with a Condition report detailing the findings and acting as
proof of the inspection.


If you are looking for ongoing maintenance which can include as you require repairs and emergency works M. Ferne Electrical provide a high quality maintenance service with fast response times to emergency call outs.


We are reliable and provide a very high quality service. Being a member
of ELECSA we are also fully compliant with Part P of the Building Regulations which is required due to Government legislation for
domestic installation work and repairs.